How To Install Marble Tile

You are in the process of redoing your entire house including the floor and it occurred to you that it will be a very good idea to do it yourself.

The problem is that you are a novice who knows very little when it comes to handiwork but you are willing to learn and you would like to think of yourself as a quick study. You have settled on the type of material to use which is marble, and the only dilemma you have now is how to install marble tile the right way.

For starters, if you do not know how to install marble tile, you might be well off letting a professional do it for you. But if you insist on doing it yourself in the spirit of being self sufficient and responsible, you might as well know at least the basics.
For a great guide on how to install marble tile click here.

How to install marble tile 101:

• Make sure that you start with a bare floor and ascertain that the subfloor is sturdy otherwise, if it shifts the grout could crack which is something that you do not want.

• Have a helper jump up and down on the floor to test its strength. Perhaps you can get your kids to do this, mostly for their benefit more than yours.

• Make certain that the floor is level and in doing so, you have to use the longest available level you can get. Look between the gaps between the floor and the level then make use of the levelling compound to level the floor.

• Undercut the jambs

• Find the exact center of the room

• Lau out the marbles tiles in a dry run

• Cut the tiles so that they fit the tub

• Set the marble tiles around the tub

• Start tiling the floor

• Proceed to grout the marble tiles

• Install all the thresholds

For a more detailed Video series about how to install marble tile Click Here